
Monday, March 24, 2008

Making Slow Headway

I managed to scrape together enough money to order the final parts for my press to at very least make it operational. These would be the rollers and trucks. These are coming from NA Graphics, who supplied the Florida Pioneer Settlement for the Creative Arts' rollers and Delrin trucks [roller bearings thru which the roller cores fit, allowing the rollers to slide along the two rails on either side of the type bed.]

I also managed to find some relatively new power wiring for the 1-hp GE electric motor which drives this press via a belt around the fly-wheel. I think i figured out why my press seems to cycle a bit faster than what i recall with the Older style C&Ps of similar size: the New Style flywheel is a bit smaller than the Old Style. Using a stop-watch, my press cycles at one impression every two seconds or so, around 30 impressions per minute, or 1800 impressions per hour, well under the specified maximum of 2800 per hour [whew!!] . . . but still just a touch faster than was my experience with the last motor-driven Gordon i operated commercially as a teen in a small printing operation in south Orlando back in 1974. But then, that press was larger, i think it was a 14 x 22. My motor speed, btw, is 1720 rpm, and pulls the flywheel correctly - top away.

I need to clean out and re-wire the starter/capacitor box of the motor, and run power mains to a proper grounded outlet plug, and run a foot switch up near the delivery table. I would like to repaint the motor if possible, it sat in a bindary for several years and has tons of dust on it, plus the grey paint looks pretty dingy. It works fine, but part of the whole dynamic of letterpress printing for me are the aesthetics. And simple cleanliness.

I have initiated a thread about the Morgan Expandible Roller Trucks (MERTS) on the Letpress list, and am reading the pro's and cons. I might order a set just to try them, but for now, i am following Fritz's advise from NA Graphics and going firstly with Delrin trucks.

Hoping everyone had a fine Easter!

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