
Thursday, May 15, 2008

BBC's Documentary "The Machine that Made Us" resurrected. (Pulled by the BBC Feb. 2012)

Update, Feb, 2012: Sometime during my trip out to San Fransisco, the BBC decided to pull this video altogether.  Why, after about four years they decided to do this now is a mystery.  I understand that the U.K. does not recognize "Fair Use" utilization of copyrighted material, so my conclusion is that they decided to make a DVD of this documentary.  Perhaps it was Stephen Fry's burst back into the spotlight with the latest Sherlock Holmes movie?  Who knows.  Anyway, a thousand pardons, and if you are still interested, you may check with the BBC (British Broadcasting Co.) to see if they indeed, do have the DVD available, or check on YouTube for clips.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

What Happened to the BBC Special Post on Gutenberg?

Hey! Where'd it go?

Well . . . I rather suspect that the BBC didn't take kindly to having their recent series "The Machine that Made Us" put on YouTube. Which is a shame because I considered it a very good resource. Ok, BBC, why don't you make a DVD available? We could sure use it as part of our cirriculum at the Museum.

Ahh, well, it was great while it lasted.

What's new? Well, I am in the midst of working 12 hr days, fundraising for my Church's High School Department's summer mission trip on my days off, and getting my daughter's graduation activities together. She's doing finals now, grad ceremony in two weeks. Then, hopefully, off to Flagler she'll go. And I'll probably be busking on the streets of Old St. Augustine raising funds to pay tuition. Bright Futures Scholarship or not! Move over, Glen and Marqueta . . . .

Oh, I did manage to get some pretty cool things: a big box of furniture came my way, I am still sorting it through. A few 60, 50, 40, 25, 20 pica's worth, no wider than 10 pica's. Also found my old Monotype Caps, 36pt, my old 48pt Monograms, and a few fonts of border that I purchased from Quaker City about sixteen years ago. Think I'll call Bill and see if I can get another, more updated catalogue. Need to get some leads.

Hoping to pick up a Pearl, soon. It will need considerable work, but the main frame and ink disc are still intact, the platen closes, the treadle turns the flywheel. I had spent some time de-rusting it about five years back, and between the blacksmith and myself actually got it to turn. Spent literally hours dousing her with motor oil and diesel fuel. Probed and found, I believe, all the oil ports with a sewing machine needle. Still needs more work: all the woodwork is missing, no chase, no rollers, springs missing, the chase lock is compromised i think. The Pearl has been very exposed to the weather, but it's not done for. Just needs some TLC. My goal is to have a Newsletter published called "Midnight Oil" from the Pearl inside of this year.

That's about all, and sorry, again, for the removal of the Gutenberg Videos. We had no choice in the matter.

Good Providence in all your endeavours!

G. Johanson, Printer